Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.

Focused on declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping those in the faith to develop strength and endurance in a world of turmoil. The magazine promotes churches and events related to gospel.

Weekly Bible Study

Be a Disciple-Maker and take yourself to the next level towards becoming one. You can only share your faith if you study so you can develop an in depth knowledge of the Word. The gospel plan of salvation is for everyone to tell one so souls can be saved. We gather together, to learn, commune with each other and to remain connected to our Lord and Savior.

Baby Dedication

All through the Bible you can find scriptures that the parent has the responsibility to train the child how it should grow. It has become customary that a child should be dedicated, prayed over and presented to the Lord as a beginning first step that God's protection will be over their life. We welcome you to bring your child to our sanctuary for their dedication.

Baptism Ministry

Water baptism is a covenant moment that symbolizes a person's faith in Jesus Christ, their commitment to follow him, and their identification with his death, burial and resurrection. It is an immersion in water for the remission of sins through the name of Jesus Christ exercising the new birth.
