Worship Times

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.

Focused on declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping those in the faith to develop strength and endurance in a world of turmoil. The magazine promotes churches and events related to gospel.

  • Day
  • Service
  • Time
  • Sunday
  • Morning Worship
  • 11AM
  • Tuesday
  • Discipleship Class
  • 7:30PM
  • Saturday
  • Prayer
  • 9AM

Our Ministry

Weekly Bible Study

Be a Disciple-Maker and take yourself to the  next level towards becoming one.  You can only share your faith if you study so you can develop an in depth knowledge of the Word.   The gospel plan of salvation is for everyone to tell one so souls can be saved.  We gather together, to learn, commune with each other and to remain connected to our Lord and Savior.

Baby Dedication

All through the Bible you can find scriptures that the parent has the responsibility to train the child how it should grow.  It has become customary that a child should be dedicated, prayed over and presented to the Lord as a beginning first step that God's protection will be over their life.  We welcome you to bring your child to our sanctuary for their dedication.

Baptism Ministry

Water baptism is a covenant moment that symbolizes a person's faith in Jesus Christ, their commitment to follow him, and their identification with his death, burial and resurrection.  It is an immersion in water for the remission of sins through the name of Jesus Christ exercising the new birth.

Our Pastors

Lloyd Walker

Pastor Lloyd Walker’s experience and relationship began with God from a youth when he accepted the Lord as his personal savior. My greatest joy in worship is to know that God answers prayer and that we can always depend on his love and mercy in our everyday living.

Advancing in the ministry includes the office of Sunday School Teacher, Youth Leader, Choir Director, Deacon, Elder and now Pastor. We believe that our God is a good God who desires to bless those who are obedient and faithful to Him through Jesus Christ. It is Pastor Lloyd’s deepest desire that his own life be an example of that principle so that everyone who hears the Gospel of hope will be encouraged to choose the acceptance of God's goodness and mercy and to become all that God wants them to be.

Committed to the growth of the ministry, our goal is to include men, women, children and the family to discover their purpose in life through Jesus Christ. Through prayer, fasting and obedience, the family of Christ can reach their spiritual potential. The simple requirement by God is to be faithful to him, walk with Him, communicate with Him, and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We desire to connect, engage and empower the people of God to be transformed, striving towards having a transformed and renewed mind in Christ. Our family has one son and a grandson.

  • Education
  • Everest University BS
  • Interest
  • Studying the Bible, praise and worship
  • Ministerial Course
  • Leadership and The Apostolic Doctrine
  • Travel Goal
  • Taking a trip to Israel with my wife. Visiting all 50 states in the US
  • Favorite Scripture
  • The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. Psalm 34:7 (KJV)

Pansy Walker

Pastor Pansy Walker has always had a passion and energy that is contagious for living for Jesus Christ. She has great appreciation for her parents who took the initiative to take her and other siblings to the house of God as young as one month old. As a result, salvation was birthed through parental knowledge that was passed on to the children according to the word of God.

Having an established lifelong relationship with God, the call to ministry was inevitable, but one that was not readily accepted. However, as time passed, the call to serve could not be ignored. As a result, the office of Co-Founder and Pastor for the Apostolic Gospel Temple was accepted to further the Ministry and to come along side Pastor Lloyd Walker in a supportive role.

Pastor Pansy Walker’s mandated areas and specialty focus on the following: Outreach Ministry, Events, Social Media and Prayer Ministry. In addition, she is qualified to teach and minister the word of God.

Since the word of God commissioned us to Go tell ALL nations the gospel plan of salvation. We welcome everyone no matter your national descent to come into the kingdom of God to experience what God has in store for you. We desire to connect, engage and equip the people of God to be transformed, while we strive towards having a transformed and renewed mind in Christ. We need a renewed mind to understand, interpret

Education: BBA, ADN in Nursing as a licensed RN

Interest Bible Study, Gospel music and community service

Health & Wellness: A big proponent for health and wellness as she truly believes

that everyone should be proactive in their wellbeing.

Ministerial Course: The Apostolic Doctrine and Leadership

Favorite Scripture: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine

own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he

shall direct they path.

Proverbs 3:5-6 {KJV}
